Mon 06 Jan
😘😘BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES monday night SPECIALS 75hh140hr❤️❤️#veryhorney - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids mi)
*§ Mercedes Fathers Day special! Pics %100 REAL! Top reviewed in Grand Rapids! in/outcall - 28
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
§*Mercedes S€x¥ Italian! Wednesday night specials that'll BløW your...mind!¡! *§Incall 28th or out - 28
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
Let My ...Erotic Lips , SexyHips an Thighs..Spoil U!!...(Skilled) - 36
(Grand Rapids, grand rapids ne)
Mercedes4u... Long dark hair, exotic looks&very; open minded personality! in/outcall. DONT MISS OUT!! - 27
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids/surrounding areas)
VaNillaBooTy SPeCiaL ;) ~°~ SeXy @SS CHicK, GeTCHU SoMe ~°~ BEauTiFuL BubbLeY BruNeTTe
(Grand Rapids, GR)
Sun 05 Jan
Mercedes!¡! $80SPECIAL, by airport 28th st!!! HIGHLY REVIEWED Exotic italian HOTTIE! 100% NATU-REAL - 25
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
LoVe OReos? perfect SNowbuNNy + ChoColate SP.iNNer ... NeW AnGelFaCe PlAYMateS ...SpeCiaL - 21
(Grand Rapids, 28th)
~New to Town ~ but not New to the Business ~~~ Susieanna Specials Available now!!!
(outcalls to all areas)
BRANDI'S BRINGING SEXY BACK, come have an experience your looking for! CAll Now 616-821-0137 - 33
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids and surrounding areas)
😘😘BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES MONDAY NIGHT SPECIALS 50ss 80hh 120hr❤️❤️#veryhorny❤❤ - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids mi)
BRANDI'S BRINGING SEXY BACK, come have an experience your looking for! CAll Now 616-240-6288 - 33
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids and surrounding areas)
😘😘BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES Saturday SPECIALS 50ss 80hh 120hr❤️❤️#veryhorny❤❤ - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids mi)
Sat 04 Jan
LoVe OReos? perfect SNowbuNNy + ChoColate SP.iNNer ... NeW AnGelFaCe PlAYMateS ...SpeCiaL - 21
(Grand Rapids, 28th)
❤ ❤ ❤_ _ READY TO PLAY❤ ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ ~Lets Get -Nasty -Freaky! (Valerie()) 616-322-7129 - 28
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids N.E/Surrounding Areas)
😘😘BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES Sunday SPECIALS 50ss 80hh 120hr❤️❤️#veryhorny❤❤ - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids mi)
*§ ^Two 4 Tuesday specials^ Mercedes & Candy... Grand Rapids airport in/outcall - 29
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
Upscale lady. Long dark hair, exotic looks&very; open minded personality! in/outcall. DONT MISS OUT!! - 27
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids/surrounding areas)
😘😘blonde hair blue eyes Friday SPECIALS 80hh140hr❤️❤️#veryhorney - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids mi)
Fri 03 Jan
§*Mercedes S€x¥ Italian QT! Magnificent Monday specials!Let me BløW your...mind *§Incall 28th or out - 25
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
*§ Mercedes, cut above rest %100 REAL.... S€X me Saturday specials! GREAT reviews! in/outcall*§ - 28
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
Look NO Further..Erotic Lips , SexyHips an Thighs...oooh my...skilled - 36
(Grand Rapids, grand rapids ne)
*§ Mercedes, Thrust my way Thursday special...!! Grand Rapids and surrounding! in/outcall - 29
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
*§ S€X¥ SULTR¥ n so ready Sunday specials with Mercedes!! Grand Rapids! in/outcall - 29
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
~*#Tanta£!zing T€Mp+aT!0n$ Wi££ £€avE ¥0u Qu!v€riNg - 18
(28th near airport &surrounding; area, Grand Rapids)
•••• BLoNd lil' PLaYMATe ••••. ;) ¤ SKY is the LiMiT ¤ DReaMTaSTe * AnGeLFace... REaL PiCS !
(Grand Rapids, GR 617-0936)
Thu 02 Jan