Sat 11 Jan
* It's Midweek * Why Not Relax Yourself With My Touch - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids SE, Airport Area)
** Tuesday, You Feeling Gloomy? Stop By For Some Sunshine. ** - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids SE, Airport Area)
Fri 10 Jan
** Gentelman Saturday Evening & Early Bird Sunday, You Thinking What I'm Thinking! ** - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids SE, Airport Area)
* Spring Is Almost Here * Let's Put A Sping Into Your Step... - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids SE, Airport Area)
** Gentelman Friday Evening & Early Bird Sat. Am.., You Thinking What I'm Thinking! ** - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids SE, Airport Area)
** It's Good Friday Today, Treat Your self To Something Good ** - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids SE, Airport Area)
Thu 09 Jan
** Friday, I'm Booking for Evening Appointments * - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids SE, Airport Area)
Wed 08 Jan
** Friday Evening,... You Feeling Gloomy? Stop By For Some Sunshine. ** - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids SE, Airport Area)
Tue 07 Jan